Document Builder е наменет за експресна верификација на автентичноста и детална проверка на банкноти, пасоши, лични карти, визи, возачки дозволи, документи за превозни средства и други заштитени документи.
Document Builder е дополнителен информативен модул, кој овозможува додавање документи (визи, пасоши, возачки дозволи, лични карти, банкноти и др.) со слики и описи.
- Можност за додавање дополнителна информација за документи во база на податоци, како и одделни заштитни елементи;
- Овој модул е создаден со повеќејазичен и пријатен интерфејс;
Contents of Document Builder
Sections |
Description |
Interface |
Application General Settings and Main Navigation Buttons |
- Providing access to basic settings of the program: language, selection of the working database, etc.
- Navigation panel for scaling images, displaying/hiding database, displaying/hiding hints, etc.
Operations with the Country List |
- Adding a new country: the country name, a three-letter country code and add its flag image
- Editing country information
- Deleting a country
Operations with Documents |
- Adding a new document: selection of the database, document type, adding document description, adding document name
- Deleting a document
- Document export
Document Description |
- Information section “Description”
- Information Section “Additional”
- Description of the document type “Book Block”
- Description of the document type “Card”
- Description of the document type “Form”
- Description of the document type “Paper”
- Description of the document type “Sticker”
- Description of the document type “Visa”
- Viewing document description
- Adding a comment to a document
Operations with Characteristics |
- Adding a new characteristic
- Editing a characteristic
- Deleting a characteristic
Directory System for Storing Images. File Formats |
- When you add a new document, a directory system is created for it
Operations with Pages |
- Adding a New Page
- Deleting a Page
Operations with Fragments |
- Adding a new fragment
- Adding a dynamic fragment .GIF
- Editing a fragment
- Adding a fragment frame to the image in general view
- Deleting a frame from an image in general view
- Deleting a fragment
Multilingual interface
- English
- Chinese
- Latvian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- any other language (at customer’s request)
Delivery set
- A software protection USB-dongle with a limited update license for providing access to the information reference system
The USB dongle is not required when using Regula Forensic Studio with Regula devices.